Download Our First Project: A Collection of Near Future Caribbean Stories

Created in a partnership with the 2020 NGC Bocas Lit Fest for 2020’s Future Fridays this is a new anthology of near future Caribbean stories written by seven Caribbean authors.

Each of these stories is written to not just imagine futures, but inspire the present. “…this collection contains a set of overarching themes that may provide the template for our nascent future…. They are a cycle of interacting and repeating actions that comprise an engine of progress.” 

It contains stories by Tobias S. Buckell, Nalo Hopkinson, Karen Lord, Brandon O’Brien, Shivanee Ramlochan, Cadwell Turnbull, and Hadassah K. Williams.

It can be found as a free download at the 2020 NGC Bocas Lit Fest website.

Come and see us at Bocas Lit Fest 2020

The Caribbean Futures Institute will be partnering with the Bocas Literary Festival to host Future Friday, a showcase of emerging and established Caribbean speculative fiction writers, exploring the question of what the disruptive events of 2020 mean for the Caribbean in the coming decades and centuries. 

With this also comes a new collection featuring visions of possible Caribbean Futures, written by some of the Caribbean’s most striking voices.

Head to Bocas Lit Fest to find out more!